Paul 28th July 2020

As a visiting researcher at the ALS, I worked closely with Derrick for about 15 years. In that time we became close and I always looked forward to my 2-3 times a year that we would connect. As many have said, he was a real bright spot to anyone he came across. Always had that smile and kind word, and would literally bend over backwards to help us out in any given situation. We talked at length about kids, family and sports. He absolutely gushed over his children and was a very proud father. We talked a lot about baseball because both our kids were involved and it was a love of both of ours. We went to lunch together many times, played golf and he would always offer me tickets and such to games when he had them. A truly genuine and good man. I am heartbroken over the loss of such a great person. Rest in peace Derrick, and god bless and protect all your loved ones that are left behind. Paul Fugazzi